Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9 sentences

I. A building or designed space is architecture only if it strikes a nerve.

1. Architecture triggers an emotional response.

a. When experiencing architecture, you will be in a different state of mind then you were before you got there.

b. Architecture can determine how you feel.

c. Architecture makes you want to stay or leave.

2. Architecture provokes thoughts.

a. Architecture causes people to make observations.

b. Architecture makes you think about the significance of where you are.

c. Architecture makes you wonder how.

3. A building being liked, admired, or enjoyed is not enough to qualify it as architecture.

a. Not every single person will like or dislike a particular building so the classification of being architecture must go beyond this.

b. I like the house I live in and think it is attractive, but it is not a work of architecture.

c. A building designed with the intention of making people uncomfortable is architecture

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At September 22, 2008 at 6:34 AM , Blogger luis said...

not quite sure how to read this (i suspect that #1 is the one line statement) and it goes from there...

so, as i understand: emotional, intellectualizing, and... ??? [i'm not sure what the 3rd one is]... what exactly is it? (ie. "beauty" alone doesn't qualify it as architecture...)

the interesting thing about the 1st two, of course, is that they are contradictory to each other (ie. emotion is antithetical to intellect). how do you resolve this? what type of emotion? what type of intellect? specifically. what are their relationships to each other?

ultimately, what is the end result? what are you after, in other words, by highlighting these?

what type of project are you thinking about to bring this out?

i suspect that the next assignment will help to articulate these. in any case, you need more specifics. quickly: you are operating on the broadest of generalities.

At September 23, 2008 at 10:20 PM , Blogger mearner734 said...

Hey Christian -

I don't know if you heard about the lecture on the 23rd and 25th but i thought of you and your project because.. its about "exploration and mapping of the connections between sensory input and the brain’s cognitive processing of aesthetic experiences dealing with arts and architecture." I thought this really sounded like the direction you were going in or could go in. just a thought!

At April 27, 2009 at 6:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm very intrigued by your vision of architecture. Especially by the concept that it can evoke an emotional change in the observer/inhabitant.

Have you ever considered designing an interior? Would you be interested in helping me design a mobile hot yoga studio?


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